Dog, cat or mouse - doesn´t matter how big (or small) a patient is, here you can find all stations regarding to small animals
Stations for dogs, cats and mice
Learning objective:
fachgerechte Probennahme bei einer Feinnadelaspiration und Anfertigen eines Ausstriches inkl. Färbung (DiffQuick)
Specialist advice:
This station is sponsored by LABOKLIN.
OSCE - Station
Learning objective:
Repetition of the anatomical basics while building the simulator
ovariohysterectomy of cats and dogs with the selfmade lowfidelity simulator
Specialist advice:
Institute of Veterinary Anatomy, Department for Small Animals
OSCE propaedeutics
Learning objective:
interpreting lab results, working with case scenarios
Many different case scenarios according to internal medicine are provided. Step by step solving the case scenarios is possible.
Specialist advice:
Department for Small Animals (Prof. Romy Heilmann)