What we research on

We test technologies to make food more durable and healthier. In addition to basic research, we deal with the development and evaluation of novel foods and also consider animal welfare issues related to food production.

Publications and Scientific Career

In the microbiological-technological research profile, classic and new gentle technologies such as plasma or high pressure are tested to minimise risks from foodborne pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites) and spoilage-causing microorganisms in food. In addition to basic research on foodborne pathogens, another focus is the development and evaluation of reformulated foods in the BMBF food cluster nutriCARD. In addition, projects are being worked on in the segment of novel foods such as microalgae and insects.

In the area of meat hygiene, the consiliary laboratory for the Duncker's muscle cone Alaria alata is located. In addition to improving diagnostic methods for detecting parasites in meat (e.g. trichinella), questions relevant to animal welfare are dealt with in connection with the production of food, especially in the slaughter area.


Institute of Food Hygiene

An den Tierkliniken 1
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 38220
Fax: +49 341 97 - 38249