You already attend the lecture on zoology in the first semester. In the fifth semester, there is the lecture on parasitology, which prepares you for the practical work in the courses.
1st semester - Zoology
Scope 6 hours
- Eukaryotic life forms/protozoa: infection, food intake, metabolism, movement
- Eukaryotic life forms/protozoa: homoxenous development cycles with/without generation change (example Giardia, Eimeria)
- Eukaryotic life forms/protozoa: heteroxenous development cycles (example Toxoplasma, Leishmania)
- Eukaryotic life forms/trematodes: lifestyle, feeding, reproduction
- Eukaryotic life forms/zestodes: Significance, lifestyle, food intake, reproduction
- Eukaryotic life forms/nematodes: Significance, food intake, reproduction, generation change types, habitats
5th semester - Basics of Parasitology
Scope 24 hours
- Helminthology 1: Trematodes/Zestodes
- Helminthology 2: Enoplida, Oxyurida, Strongylida
- Helminthology 3: Strongylids, Trichostrongylids
- Helminthology 4: Ancylostomatidae, Rhabditida
- Helminthology 5: Lungworms, Spiruridae
- Protozoology 1: Flagellates
- Protozoology 2: Ciliates, Coccidia, Piroplasmas
- Protozoology 3: Haemosporids, Microsporidia
- Arachnology 1: Ticks, mites 1
- Arachnology 2/Entomology 1: Mice mites, insects (without Brachycera)
- Entomology 2: Insects (Brachycera)
- Entomology 3 (optional)