Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen

Liebe Tierbesitzerinnen, liebe Tierbesitzer

Ein schwieriges Jahr geht zu Ende und wir hoffen, dass Sie trotzdem, wenn auch im kleinen Kreis, eine besinnliche, vielleicht auch fröhliche Weihnachtszeit erleben können.

In der Zeit vom 21.12.20 bis zum 03.01.21 bleibt unser Dienstleistungsbereich geschlossen. Gerne stehen wir Ihnen im neuen Jahr mit Rat und Tat wieder zur Verfügung.

Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich für die vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit und wünschen Ihnen für das neue Jahr vor allen Dingen Gesundheit und Optimismus.

Das Team der Tierernährung

What information and sample quantities are required?
Please label the samples clearly and ensure suitable sample packaging. For this purpose, please fill out the sample form as completely and as detailed as possible and enclose it with the shipment. Please also follow the instructions on the form.
You will find the sample submission form in the download area as a pdf and as a Word document.

Sample quantities:
Hay / straw: 1 - 2 kg (approximately the volume of a 60-litre rubbish bag)
Silage / haylage: 3 - 5 kg, leak-proof and (in summer) cooled if possible
Cereals / mixed feed: 1 - 2 kg

Please send us feed samples at the beginning of the week if possible, so that the samples are not in the post office before a weekend and the value and quality of the samples sent in would be falsified as a result.

How long does the processing take?
Processing takes 1 - 2 weeks if microbiological or botanical findings are required.

What are the costs?
The costs are based on the time required and are calculated according to the current service catalogue of the Veterinary Fee Schedule (GOT, 2020).
All prices include VAT.

Where should the samples be sent?
Institute for Animal Nutrition, Nutritional Damage and Dietetics
An den Tierkliniken 9
04103 Leipzig

Further analyses
Extracts e.g. from Weender analysis etc. on request.
Please contact us by telephone or in writing. You will receive a corresponding written offer from us.

Tel.: 0341/97-38370