We introduce ourselves

The Centre for Infectious Diseases is an association of four veterinary institutes that deal with the different aspects of infections in pets and humans and investigate the interactions between pathogens and host.

From idea to success

The future of veterinary medicine at the University of Leipzig lies in the cooperation between institutes to bundle the different expertise for the common benefit. One of these centres was already founded in 2010 under the leadership of the former institute directors, Prof. Dr. Müller (virology), Prof. Dr. Krüger (bacteriology and mycology), Prof. Dr. Daugschies (parasitology) and Prof. Dr. Alber (immunology), the Centre for Infectious Diseases, which started in 2004 as a joint venture in infectious medicine.

Investigation of the interactions between pathogens and the host

Since its foundation, the common ground has been the common interest in researching the interactions between pathogens and the host in all its facets.

The current institute directors, Prof. Dr. Vahlenkamp (Virology), Prof. Dr. Baums (Bacteriology and Mycology), Prof. Dr. Daugschies (Parasitology) and Prof. Dr. Alber (Immunology), have intensified this cooperation. This has led to joint research projects in which scientists and doctoral students from the institutes work together on projects. Projects have investigated co-infections of bacteria with parasites and viruses with parasites, and bacteriological and immunological aspects have been investigated within the framework of vaccine development. In addition, the ZIM institutes offer joint courses, including a very practice-oriented infection diagnostic course.

Interdisciplinary exchange

The Center endeavors to promote interdisciplinary research between the institutes and to jointly manage the training of doctoral students, interns, project students and bio laboratory assistants.

Core units as service facilities

The center also has several core units that provide their services uni-internally, for other research institutes and companies, including core units for flow cytometric questions (CUDZ) and for mass spectroscopic characterization of pathogen species in submitted samples (CUMI).

centre speaker

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Vahlenkamp

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Vahlenkamp

Speaker of the Centre

Veterinär-Virologie einschließlich Diagnostik
KFK, Viro, Bakteriologie
An den Tierkliniken 29
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 38201
Fax: +49 341 97 - 38219

Prof. Dr. Christoph Georg Baums

Prof. Dr. Christoph Georg Baums


Bakteriologie und Mykologie
KFK, Viro, Bakteriologie
An den Tierkliniken 29
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 38180
Fax: +49 341 97 - 38199

Extended Centre Board

Prof. Dr. Wieland Schrödl

Prof. Dr. Wieland Schrödl

Wiss.Mitarbeiter/Tierarzt (apl.Prof.)

Bakteriologie und Mykologie
An den Tierkliniken 9
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 38190
Fax: +49 341 97 - 38199

PD Dr. Uwe Müller

PD Dr. Uwe Müller

Research Fellow

Deutscher Platz 5, Room 1.310
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31221
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31229

Representative of scientific staff

Representative of technical staff


Centre for Infectious Diseases

t the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Leipzig


1. goal, concern

A Centre for Infection Medicine (ZIM) was founded at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Leipzig with the aim of improving the coordination of institutions working in the field of infectious medicine.

It is a central concern of ZIM,

  1. in view of the persistently problematic situation in terms of human, financial and material resources, to ensure optimum quality in teaching, research and services in the future as well,
  2. to further intensify the cooperation among each other and with the other faculty institutions,
  3. increase the competitiveness of both the institutions brought together in it and the faculty, and
  4. to achieve a close coordination of teaching contents in veterinary studies, to establish a structured postgraduate training and to promote the promotion of young scientists.

Furthermore, the further and advanced training of veterinarians, in particular the qualification as a specialist veterinarian including area designations as well as the diploma of a European College, shall be promoted as far as established.

2. organisational form

The ZIM is not a separate and independent institution of the university, but should ensure a coordinated cooperation of its members. A further development to an independent organisational form is a goal, which is to be examined after an appropriate time on the basis of made experiences.

3. membership

Members of the ZIM are the Institute of Bacteriology and Mycology, the Institute of Immunology, the Institute of Parasitology and the Institute of Virology. Membership as a member in an advisory capacity (associate member) is open to all institutions of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Leipzig in the field of infectious medicine and is carried out by decision of the members. This membership can be terminated informally at any time by written declaration of the head of an institution.

All relatives and members of the participating institutes determined according to § 49 SächsHSFG belong to the ZIM.

4. executive committee

The ZIM is managed by a board of directors. The heads of the participating institutes belong to it with voting rights. In addition to the Executive Board, the Extended Board includes all other professors of the institutes, including full professors, junior professors, endowed professors and other habilitated professors. The Extended Board also includes a representative of the staff, a representative of the non-scientific staff and a representative of the doctoral candidates. The representatives of the middle staff, non-scientific staff and doctoral students are nominated by the respective groups to the board at the annual meeting of the ZIM.

The tasks of the board are in particular:

  • Coordination of course and content of teaching in the field of infectious medicine
  • Development of innovative and interdisciplinary teaching concepts
  • Improving the flow of information between members
  • Coordination of the procurement of equipment for shared use
  • Coordination of the use of rooms, equipment and personnel for research and services, establishment of and cooperation in ensuring the operation of core units of the ZIM, facultative or inter-faculty core units)
  • Preparation and continuous updating of a service catalogue
  • Development and support of interdisciplinary research projects
  • Development of joint quality assurance concepts
  • Representation of common interests within and outside the faculty

The executive committee only has a quorum if all members are present. As a rule, resolutions of the executive committee shall be passed unanimously. Resolutions may also be passed by simple majority, in the case of a tie, with additional weighting of the speaker's vote. Decisions concerning the organisational, personnel and financial independence of the participating institutions require unanimity. The Board may invite guests to the Board meeting to discuss specific aspects.

The Executive Board may appoint a "Scientific Advisory Board" to which external scientists may be appointed.

The Extended Board of Directors serves to advise the Board of Directors and to ensure the transparency of decisions. It shall serve the flow of information and the consideration of the interests of the represented groups. Resolutions of the Extended Board may be passed by a simple majority of those present. They are subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The Extended Board meets twice a year, preferably at the beginning of the lecture periods in April and October, and is convened by the speaker.

5. speaker

The Board of Directors elects a spokesperson from among the Institute's directors, who is to be elected every two years as a rule.

The spokesperson represents the Centre externally and internally. He/she convenes regular monthly meetings of the Executive Board. At least once a year, all employees of the participating institutes shall be invited to a meeting.

Leipzig, 18.06.2018

News from research and the ZIM

Which new projects have been approved? Which new cooperations have been concluded? Don't miss any news about our Centre for Infectious Diseases.

News from the ZIM and the institutes

Institut für Immunologie

Cooperation partner at the FU Berlin seeks reinforcement for a DFG-funded project

The Department of Veterinary Medicine at Freie Universität Berlin is one of the top addresses for veterinary research in Germany. The research group led by Prof. Dr. Gruber and PD Dr. Mundhenk at the Institute of Animal Pathology has long been conducting research into the development and mechanisms…

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Institut für Virologie

The Institute of Virology is a consiliary laboratory for PRRSV!

On 01.07.2022, the Institute of Virology received the appointment as a consiliary laboratory for the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) of the German Veterinary Medical Society (DVG).

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Zentrum für Infektionsmedizin

Veterinarian Anne Seidel wins the poster prize of the ZIM Day 2023

Ms. Anne Seidel, PhD student of the Institute of Immunology, won the prize for the best poster at the ZIM Day 2023.

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Zentrum für Infektionsmedizin

ZIM Day 2023

After a long break, it was finally time again. The ZIM was able to meet again in presence on February 7, 2023 and exchange scientific results from the institutes and discuss new projects. For this purpose, the seminar room of the Oberholz teaching and research facility offered the right name. In…

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Events of the ZIM and the institutes

No news available.

networking at the ZIM

Four institutes of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine work together at our Centre for Infectious Medicine and offer joint courses. We also cooperate with two other institutes and operate two core units.

Our Core Units

The core units of the Center for Infectious Medicine are highly specialized laboratories. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and software, scientists can carry out their research work here in an interdisciplinary manner.